The ‘Done For You Dating’ Solution For Women Who Want An Impulsive YES From The Man Of Their Dreams.

The ‘Done For You Dating’ Solution For Women Who Want An Impulsive YES From The Man Of Their Dreams.

You just received a message from your guy…

You just received a message from your guy…

It’s that special man, the one you’ve been longing to hear from.  You want to get your words just right, so you don’t blow it.  You don’t want to risk driving him away.

But you feel out your depth in how to respond.  You get all in your head about it…

Should I reply straight away?’.

‘How can I say something flirty and fun that’ll impress him?’. 

‘How can I word my response so I don’t sound too keen, or too cold?’.

And that’s just one text you have to grapple with.  If you’re dating or trying to move a relationship forward, there are a whole host of texting dilemmas you face daily.

There’s worrying about the words to use, or whether you should reply, or how to be assertive, or how to be sexy, or when to lean-back, or how long to leave between texts, or what to say when he disappears and pops back up with his, ‘Hey’ text!

Then there are the texts you need when you want to ask him out, without looking desperate

The words you need to win back the heart of your Ex

The seductive sentence you need to draw him closer

It’s a minefield!

And it doesn’t matter whether you’re just dating or in a relationship, you just know the art of texting plays a MAJOR role in building attraction and bonding.

That’s why it’s vital to use the right words…

…the correct tone, the perfect amount and the right timing… to get a guy seeing you as that ‘high-value woman’ he adores.

And now this latest text has you typing and deleting over and over, because your self-doubt and second-guessing is in overdrive.


You just can’t find the words that will come across as cute, or flirty, or cool, or smart.

You don’t know if you should say ‘yes’ to his offer, or play it cool.

You’re clueless about how to be like those other women, the ones men constantly seem to chase.

If ONLY you had a guide to use that would have him falling at your feet, seeing you as his star and calling you his sweetheart.  Because, right now, having a whole bunch of scripts that you can cut and paste would feel like a dream come true.


I may just have something that will catapult you out of texting misery.

So…put down your phone and get ready to access…

The writing secrets that create mind-melting, heart-melting, loin-melting text messages that get YOUR MAN obsessed…

Even if he’s blowing hot and cold

Even if you’re clueless about what to say to him

Even if you believe he’ll NEVER be yours

 I’m here to hand you 200+ powerful & proven texting scripts that will win the heart of Mr Right 

Within the next 30 minutes you’ll have access to my secret chamber of psych-approved text scripts that will 10X your success rates with any guy you choose


You’ll have instant access to over 200 ‘Love Me Tender’ texts that start a life long bond with Mr Right


From this moment on, you’ll have the exact words to deal with just about ANY relationship or dating scenario that plays out via the medium of texting or online chats.  That means YOU subtly driving the relationship …while he thinks it’s all HIS idea to move things forward!

There are texts for when things go pear-shaped…like when he misbehaves, ghosts you, stands you up, goes missing in action, pulls away, ends things, or fails to ask you on a date.  

There are also text scripts that help you fast-track his specific compliments that hypnotise his heart; dream words that secure a date;  seductive texts that send him wild for you…and messages that ultimately ensure you become THAT irresistible woman he falls for…head over heels.


Well, it’s all based on the psychology of love, desire and attraction.  Everything you read and implement is hand-crafted by me, using my 20+ years of psychology and love coaching experience.

The principles you’ll learn are also aligned with those of the Law of Attraction.  Not only do you have science-backed research and psychology on your side…you have a little dash of universal magic helping things along.

Because what we all need to understand is…

When it comes to love, then it’s LANGUAGE that’s our most powerful resource.  The words we say and how we express ourselves makes the difference between success and failure in the initial love-stakes.  And if you want to capture the heart of your number one guy…then keep reading…

Your texting guide will show you a wagonload of astonishingly potent phrases and responses, that get your guy to see you as a woman like no other…starting TODAY.

It walks you through strategies such as…

The Essential Attraction Formula you need before you’ll EVER win his heart (psychology shows us this is the most powerful way to seduce a man’s brain)

  • Sticky Sentences that glue you in his head for hours, days and weeks, especially when he’s being cool or distant
  • The ‘Flatter, Flirt & Fly Method’ that when used in a text, melt him after date ONE
  • The Never-Fail Nudger that has his thumbs firing off a reply to you (even if he’s been missing in action!)
  • The Heart Hooks, that leave him helpless in the face of your power…and ready to pursue you
  • The subtle Seduction Sequence to use in your messages, that move him from dating site to dinner date
  • The ONE WORD to use in your texts that ramps up his magic! (It’s NOT what you think!)
  • The 15 Relationship Repellant Texts, that if sent, will hot-foot your relationship to the grave!
  • A 1 line sentence that when sent as a text, will give you the best chance of him calling TONIGHT
  • The 9 Psychological Triggers, that will have him baffled as to why he’s so connected with you
  • The OPEN LUST LOOPS that stop him dead in his tracks, desperate to hear your response
  • The Language of The Wild Feminine that builds mad hunger for you…deep in his psyche
  • The Non-Sleazy Visual Writing Secrets, that make you seep into his brain…like melted butter


Whether you’re single, dating or in a relationship…you’re going to learn how to talk and text with a man…that’ll have him tripping over his size 10’s to claim you forever!

It’s that special man, the one you’ve been longing to hear from.  You want to get your words just right, so you don’t blow it.  You don’t want to risk driving him away.

But you feel out your depth about how to respond.  You get all in your head about it…

‘Should I reply straight away?’.

‘How can I say something flirty and fun that’ll impress him?’. 

‘How can I word my response so I don’t sound too keen, or too cold?’.

And that’s just one text you have to grapple with.  If you’re dating or trying to move a relationship forward, there are a whole host of texting dilemmas you face daily.

There’s worrying about the words to use

… or whether you should reply, or how to be assertive, or how to be sexy, or when to lean-back, or how long to leave between texts, or what to say when he disappears and pops back up with his, ‘Hey’ text!

Then there are the texts you need when you want to ask him out, without looking desperate

The words you need to win back the heart of your Ex

The seductive sentence you need to draw him closer

It’s a minefield!

And it doesn’t matter whether you’re just dating or in a relationship, you just know the art of texting plays a MAJOR role in building attraction and bonding.

That’s why it’s vital to use the right words, the correct tone, the perfect amount and the right timing… to get a guy seeing you as that ‘high-value woman’ he adores.

And now this latest text has you typing and deleting over and over, because your self-doubt and second-guessing is in overdrive.


You just can’t find the words that will come across as cute, or flirty, or cool, or smart.

You don’t know if you should say ‘yes’ to his offer, or play it cool.

You’re clueless about how to be like those other women, the ones men constantly seem to chase.

If ONLY you had a guide to use that would have him falling at your feet, seeing you as his star and calling you his sweetheart.  Because, right now, having a whole bunch of scripts that you can cut and paste would feel like a dream come true.


I may just have something that will catapult you out of texting misery. 

So…put down your phone and get ready to access…

The writing secrets that create mind-melting, heart-melting, loin-melting text messages that get THAT MAN determined to make you his

Even if he’s blowing hot and cold

Even if you’re clueless about what to say to him

Even if you believe he’ll NEVER be yours

I’m here to hand you 200+ powerful & proven texting scripts that will win the heart of your Mr Right 

Within the next 30 minutes you’ll have access to my secret chamber of psych-approved text scripts that will 10X your success rates with any guy you choose


You’ll have instant access to over 200 ‘Love Me Tender’ texts that start a life long bond with Mr Right


From this moment on, you’ll have the exact words to deal with the relationship or dating scenarios that play out via texting or online chats.  That means YOU subtly driving the relationship …while he thinks it’s all HIS idea to move things forward!

There are texts for when things go pear-shaped…like when he misbehaves, ghosts you, stands you up, goes missing in action, pulls away, ends things, or fails to ask you on a date.  

There are also text scripts that help you fast-track securing his specific compliments that hypnotise his heart; dream words that secure a date;  seductive texts that send him wild for you…and messages that ultimately ensure you become THAT irresistible woman he falls head over heels for.


Well, it’s all based on the psychology of love, desire and attraction.  Everything you read and implement is hand-crafted by me, using my 20+ years of psychology and love coaching experience.

The principles you’ll learn are also aligned with those of the Law of Attraction.  Not only do you have science-backed research and psychology on your side…you have a little dash of universal magic helping things along.

Because what we all need to understand is…

When it comes to love, then it’s LANGUAGE that’s our most powerful resource.  The words we say and how we express ourselves makes the difference between success and failure in the love-stakes.  And if you want to capture the heart of your number one guy...then keep reading…

Your texting guide will show you a wagonload of astonishingly potent phrases and responses, that get your guy to see you as a woman like no other…starting TODAY.

It walks you through strategies such as…

The Essential Attraction Formula you need before you’ll EVER win his heart (psychology shows us this is the most powerful way to seduce a man’s brain)

  • Sticky Sentences that glue you in his head for hours, days and weeks, especially when he’s being cool or distant
  • The ‘Flatter, Flirt & Fly Method’ that when used in a text, melts him after date ONE
  • The Never-Fail Nudger that has his thumbs firing off a reply to you (even if he’s been missing in action!)
  • The Heart Hooks, that leave him helpless in the face of your power…and ready to pursue you
  • The subtle Seduction Sequence to use in your messages, that move him from dating site to dinner date
  • The ONE WORD to use in your texts that ramps up his magic! (It’s NOT what you think!)
  • The 15 Relationship Repellant Texts, that if sent, will hot-foot your relationship to the grave!
  • A 1 line sentence that when sent as a text, will give you the best chance of him calling TONIGHT
  • The 9 Psychological Triggers, that will have him baffled as to why he’s so connected with you
  • The OPEN LUST LOOPS that stop him dead in his tracks, desperate to hear your response
  • The Language of The Wild Feminine that builds mad hunger for you…deep in his psyche
  • The Non-Sleazy Visual Writing Secrets, that make you seep into his brain…like melted butter


Whether you’re single, dating or in a relationship…you’re going to learn how to talk and text with a man…that’ll have him tripping over his size 10’s to claim you forever!

No Matter What The Situation…

There’s a text script that will allow you to know what to say, how to say it AND when to say it.

No more guessing and doubting.

No more confusion because he’s ghosted you and you don’t know what to do about it.

No more wandering down texting Struggle Street, when you want a lazy man to step up and ask you out

Because as well as the flirty, fun and foxy texts that’ll melt his heart…

…there are whole sections on dealing with his poor behaviours, hot and cold actions, low-effort and outright disrespect!

As soon as you hit a wall, you can simply turn to the guide and find the powerful words that will let you take control and flip everything in your favour.



You’ll access word for word text scripts to deal with all those tricky scenarios such as…

The ‘Back From the Dead Text’ For when he pops back up after ignoring you (so he skyrockets your value)

The ‘Hey, Hi, Wassup Text’ – That gets him to send messages that MEAN something  

The ‘Casper Crusher’ – For reaching out in an elegant, easy way when he ghosts

The ‘Do-or-Die Detonator– That ensures he’ll NEVER stand you up again

The ‘Hello Mr Slow Switch-Up’ – That speeds up his responses and makes him MUCH more attentive

The ‘Smoke & Mirrors Message’ –  That answers his, ‘Sorry I’ve been busy’ message, and makes him prioritise YOU

The ‘Dream Date Accelerator’That stops him wanting to just hang-out and arrange quality dates instead

The Smart Girl B.S.Callout’That shuts down his constant excuses (AND ramps up his attraction for you)

The ‘Break-Up’ Texts – What to text when your guy asks for space, breaks up with you, wants you back and everything in between 

The ‘Sex’ Texts – The powerful way to avoid being disrespected, pressured or becoming his ‘Sex Buddy’ or his ‘Booty Call’ 

And a whole host of other salty, sweet and spicy messages that deal with asking him out, turning him down, turning him on and burrowing yourself into his heart and brain.

Because texting scripts form only part of the solution to earning his devotion.

You also need to know how to start leaning into a specific kind of energy, that puts you top of mind as soon as he wakes and before he drifts off to dreamland…so…


As well as all the text scripts, you’ll also discover…

The secrets of the Wild Feminine woman, that embed her in a man’s heart…FOREVER.

For those who’ve been boy-baffled for far too long, you’ll soon have the insider low-down on:

The single most potent emotion to focus on when you want him to drop everything and race towards you with open arms

The difference between ‘ordinary’ woman words and ‘extraordinary’ woman language that connects directly to his commitment centres, so he’s powerless to resist you

The biggest mistake women make when they talk to men, and how changing this, will send your dating success through the roof…even if you’re nervous, timid or shy

The ‘do less, get more’ strategy for winning the heart of ‘The One’ (this will give you the keys to the kingdom of love when you use it)

The 1 type of energy you’re using to REPEL men, and how to flip it, so you’re the Queen Bee they chase, even if you don’t feel attractive or good enough!


Before you even use the texts, there’s an entire section dedicated to understanding the mind of men and transforming your personal energy to get the LOVE RESULTS you deserve.

You’ll have access to the ways of the Leading Lady, that leave men spell-bound and ready to claim you, even if there are MANY more attractive women in the room.

Once you’re in the ‘inner circle’ of the Wild Feminine…

…you’ll be miles ahead of any regular girl out there who’s using old techniques to get a guy to like her.

When you have this guide in your hands, you’ll be able to outwit, outsmart and outcharm your way through the hazardous world of dating, without game-playing or manipulation.

These texting scripts are not only for use on mobile…you can use them on dating sites, email and even FACE TO FACE.

You’ll be swept into a whole new world of ease and speed in the realm of love and connecting with Mr Right. 

And if you’re ready for some ‘DONE FOR YOU’ texting scripts and exclusive guidance on how to love BIGGER, SOONER, FREE-ER…then it can all start right now

Because…let’s face it, what’s the alternative?

Continue to guess, get it wrong and lose another amazing guy that COULD have been yours?

Wonder forever what the REAL secret is of winning his attention…and envying all those women who get it right?

Live the rest of your life alone or worse…with a half-baked relationship that kills your spirit?

Twist yourself in knots of self-doubt, every time something goes wrong and you’ve no clue what to say or do?

Hell NO!

Because it doesn’t have to be SO DAMN HARD!

These texts work for anyone, in almost any situation, even when your guy is only remotely open to a relationship.

And as unromantic as it sounds, a massive part of relationship success, comes from having a strategy that works, not from being a super-model, or uber-talented, or having a saintly nature, or trusting your emotions (they lie!).

Of course, there has to be a foundation of ‘chemistry’ on which to build…

BUT…desire, love and commitment are created by implementing

The Attraction Formula

And you’re moments away from having it in the palm of your hands.

Just click on the button below and your copy of The Secret Texts For Women will swoosh across the universe straight to your inbox.

Then you can just sit back, relax and launch your SEDUCTION TAKEOVER, with your heart-gripping, idiot-proof guide to winning the heart of the one you love. 


And if you’re ready for some ‘DONE FOR YOU’ texting scripts and exclusive guidance on how to love BIGGER, SOONER, FREE-ER…then it can all start right now

Because…let’s face it, what’s the alternative?

Continue to guess, get it wrong and lose another amazing guy that COULD have been yours?

Wonder forever what the REAL secret is of winning his attention…and envying all those women who get it right?

Live the rest of your life alone or worse…with a half-baked relationship that kills your spirit?

Twist yourself in knots of self-doubt, every time something goes wrong and you’ve no clue what to say or do?

Hell NO!

Because it doesn’t have to be SO DAMN HARD!

These texts work for anyone, in almost any situation, even when your guy is only remotely open to a relationship.

And as unromantic as it sounds, a massive part of relationship success, comes from having a strategy that works, not from being a super-model, or uber-talented, or having a saintly nature, or trusting your emotions (they lie!).

Of course, there has to be a foundation of ‘chemistry’ on which to build…

BUT…desire, love and commitment are created by implementing

The Attraction Formula

And you’re moments away from having it in the palm of your hands.

Just click on the button below and your copy of The Secret Texts For Women will swoosh across the universe straight to your inbox.

Then you can just sit back, relax and launch your SEDUCTION TAKEOVER, with your heart-gripping, idiot-proof guide to winning the heart of the one you love. 



We Have Success!

We Have Success!

“What a complete life-saver. I’ve been in a relationship for 2 years and trying to get my boyfriend to respect me and my time has been a battle!  7 days after using the guidance in Texting Secrets as well as the actual scripts…he’s acting really weird (in a good way) and I can see how this radical approach to love WORKS. I feel so empowerd.”

Bonnie D  England

“I actually had to sit and laugh at how the guy I was dating started responding to these texts.  He started calling and asking me on dates.  He became attentive and asked me to be his girlfriend after 2 weeks of changing the way I communicated with him. It’s not even manipulation, it’s just a whole different way of being in feminine energy and talking to a man in a way that gets vastly different results. Very impressed.”

Laura K Minnesota

“I’ve been using these texts on the dating site and I just wanted to tell you…I’m weeding out the loser guys and attracting much better quality men.  I’ve got my number one guy that I used all the initial ‘dating site’ texts with, and I’ve already been out on 3 dates.  I’m ready to move on to the other sections and can’t wait to try out the Get Your Flirt On texts.  I feel like I’m in control of dating for the first time…and I’m 52 years old!”

Kate K  Florida

Don’t send one more text without your essential guide.

Get INSTANT ACCESS to ‘Texting Secrets For Women’

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Happy Texting  

Linda Bebbington

Your Relationship & Love Coach
