Help For Your Relationships

Building Boundaries, Bonds & Bridges With Those Who Matter.

Discover the skills that build strong connections, grow your confidence and heal your learned patterns of relating.

30-Minutes to clarity.

If you’re in confusion or emotional pain then book a free clarity session with me. You can explore how therapy and mindset tools can help you heal or reach your important goals.

more harmony. more love. more peace.

Healing Your Relationships

With Yourself.  With Others.

If you’re currently struggling with a relational issue, it can be highly stressful.  Maybe you don’t know what to say, or how to behave to create peace or harmony. Perhaps you’re afraid of losing someone important, or can’t get along with your partner, children, siblings, boss or parents.

Nothing will impact your mental health and happiness more than the relationships you enter into, More importantly, your well-being relies on how you relate to yourself, and the different parts within that can be anxious, critical, hurt or defensive.

You might need help if you:

  • Get tongue-tied trying to speak up
  • Have conflict with parents/family that you don’t know how to deal with
  • Put up with poor behaviour of others and feel undervalued
  • Can’t decide whether to stay in a particular relationship or leave
  • Were neglected as a child and struggle to process it
  • Feel abandonment pain and are anxious when significant people are not around
  • Struggle to have trust in romantic or other personal relationships
  • Are too dependent on others and feel ‘needy’
  • Find it hard to feel loved or push people away
  • Feel lonely and isolated but don’t have the energy to connect
  • Don’t have enough confidence to date or make friendships
  • Feel you are always the one making an effort and others don’t
  • Feel blamed, manipulated or bullied by your partner or someone else

If you feel your learned way of relating is interfering with your ability to love and feel loved, you may need to heal or have some tools that will help you move forward with building connections and healing conflict.


How I Can Help

Although I’m a trained relationship therapist, I currently work with you as an individual. I’ll help you clarify the feelings or behaviours that have you stuck, and provide insight on how to handle people who cause you issues.

If you’re having problems relating with significant others, you might have been using strategies that have you bickering, fighting, fawning, caretaking, scheming, pleasing, resenting, rescuing, raging or hiding in a closet to avoid confrontation.

You may have concluded that you want to change some of your reactions that either push people away, have you baffled, or lock you into toxic tangos you can’t seem to fix.

Also, learning smart communication can be astounding. Not only can the right words change your outcomes, they can avoid verbal fisticuffs and help you take charge of your life.

That’s why we work to get your wisest  ‘Self’ onboard, the one that will take you by the hand and lead you past the learned relating patterns of your childhood or present relationship injuries, and into love and self-confidence.

Now you might be saying, ‘I don’t have a wisest self Linda!’.

Don’t worry, it’s there, and we’ll work together to help it emerge.

You’ll have tools to  improve connections with those you feel are worth it and the confidence to make decisions about those who are not.

Contact me for an initial chat about your unique situation.

Do You Need To Improve Any Aspect of




Discovering Your Core Self

Building Self-Esteem

Tackling Shame

Changing Limiting Beliefs


Overcoming Self-Criticism

Need Help With Personal or Romantic

Relationships ?



Ready for Deep Relational



Trauma Bonding

Childhood Abuse Recovery

Attachment Styles

Trust Issues

Dependency Issues

Improving Communication

Handling Conflict

Problem Solving

Creating Affection/Respect

Deciding whether to stay or leave

Avoiding the 4 Horsemen (criticism, contempt, defensiveness & stonewalling)

If you believe you are in a Narcissistic relationship or are recovering from abuse by someone with a severely antagonistic relational style, then you may need specialised help. This may be at the hands of an intimate partner or someone else past/present such as a parent, sibling or other. I have a specific approach to support you, so find out more by clicking the link below.

Let’s Chat

5 + 10 =

Contact me here and I will respond promptly to you