Welcome To The Exit Of The Rabbit Hole.

Do you want to overcome chronic doubt, low mood or anxiety.? Exhausted with wearing a ‘mask’ and pretending to be ok?   Then, take the first gentle step back to yourself and reach out.

30-Minutes to clarity.

If you’re in confusion or emotional pain then book a free clarity session with me. You can explore how therapy and mindset tools can help  you heal or reach your important goals. 

Moving Through Life Adversities or the tough stuff

Firstly, I’d Like To Say Something Important…

You matter.

Your life matters.

You’re not a failure, you don’t need saving, life has not forgotten you. You are worthy of love.  And, no you’re not going crazy, even though it’s possible you don’t feel like yourself right now.

If you’re depressed, scared, angry or feel like you’ve failed in some area of your life, it can be overwhelmingly painful.

If the nervous system has had enough stress, it can ramp up into hypervigilance/panic attacks, or freeze you into a ball of total shutdown. Cue: can’t sleep, can’t work, can’t talk to people, can’t stand yourself being like this.

It often comes with enough snappiness and irritation that your work and relationships begin to suffer.  That’s usually the point we know we need help.

Accessing guidance to calm your inner system and reconnect back to your core self is going to be the answer.

Maybe, there’s a part of you longing to be heard.

If so, I’d like to know what you care about.


getting out of the rabbit hole

Shifting Out Of Gridlock

Sometimes getting back on our mental feet is about solving current problems. But, if you’re currently backed into an emotional corner, it’s important to get relief from your learned survival mechanisms that involve either heart-pumping adrenalin shots,  chronic shut down or bracing for impact!

Much of the negative feelings  are from this internal protection system (fight, flight, freeze). Every threat seems to have a start, but no end. It spirals you into a hole of angst, ‘Threat, run away! NO…FIGHT!  NO, crap yourself and hide!  NO, punch something!’. It’s non-stop.

If low self-esteem and relating issues are the problem, you may be in a learned ‘fawning’ response to life, trying to please and appease everyone, ‘Keep them happy! NO, avoid them! NO, pretend! NO, set a boundary! NO, kiss their butt! NO, have self-respect! NO, I NEED them to feel good about me!’.

If you are experiencing any of the above, you may have issues such as:

  • Feeling on edge all the time
  • Low Mood/depression
  • People pleasing tendencies
  • Wearing a mask that exhausts you
  • Disliking yourself for not having boundaries
  • Over-reliance on relationships to feel ok
  • Imposter syndrome
  • High stress/anxiety
  • Increased irritability
  • Burnout

And before you know it…

… you’re stuck in the half-lived life.

This is the mental rabbit hole.

Whether you’re in just a little or burrowed deep, I can offer a hand to get out, and show you some processes that may just help you break free.


Building Self-Confidence After Emotional Or Mental Stress.

Integrating your internal world and stopping the tug-of-war is the cornerstone of personal peace. It empowers you to take control, reach goals, and build meaningful connections with others. My aim is to help you get clear, calm down and pave the way for a more authentic, fulfilling life.

Therapeutic Approaches

I use a liberation-based mental strength approach to healing, that claims your past, clarifies your present and creates your future.

Our aim together is to turn the ‘what ifs’ of worry into the ‘what ifs’ of pure possibility.

Mindful Clarity

Becoming clear about the different parts of yourself usually brings some big ‘ah ha’ moments and some blessed relief when you can take a step back from your confusion or pain. This can happen very quickly often from the first few sessions.

An Evidence-based Holistic Approach

I combine Internal Family Systems Therapy with somatic approaches and mindset tools to bring about effective change. It’s a comprehensive approach to mental well-being, personal growth and even spiritual evolution if that resonates.

Building Your House On Rock

Sometimes it’s not all about healing the past; it’s about creating a destiny. Your time in therapy is a gift and investment in your future, the one you’ll arrive into at some point.   After all, if you keep walking the same path, you’ll arrive at yet another house built on sand. We’ll work to avoid that and build life foundations you can rely on.

Unburdening And Liberation

Our focus is on identifying what you want your life to look and feel like, from the perspective of your true nature. If necessary, you’ll reclaim parts of yourself long forgotten and unburden them,  so you become fully alive in a liberated life.

30-Minutes to clarity.

If you’re in confusion or emotional pain then book a free clarity session with me. You can explore how therapy and mindset tools can help  you heal or reach your important goals.